Children’s church and nursery are available on Sunday mornings at the 10:00 am service!
St. Paul's Children's Ministry wants to encourage children to grow in their love and understanding of Jesus and to be bold witnesses to others sharing His love. It is the mission of SPC Children's Ministry that children KNOW JESUS as their Savior. We pray that they will know the word of God is alive and active in their lives and that they will boldly MAKE HIM KNOWN to people they meet.
Sunday Mornings @ St. Paul's
We have a nursery for the littlest Sunday morning worshipers ages 0-3. You are welcome to check your children into the nursery any time after 9:30 am. During this season, we ask that nursery children be picked up during communion to receive a blessing and join their family in worship so we have time to clean between services. All children must check in at the table at the lower entrance before coming to the nursery.
K3-5th Grade
SPC invites children K3-5th grade to begin worship with their families in the pew. The children will be led downstairs before the readings to share in the word with their friends in an age appropriate lesson. They will come back up at the peace to conclude worship with their families. All children must check in at the table at the lower entrance before coming to children’s church. They will begin in the service with their families as usual.
St. Paul’s Church Basketball
Children K4-12th grade have the opportunity to play basketball for SPC! For more information, click here. Contact Liz Short for any questions.